Six words of wisdom: pen spinners

This is one of my favourite things to do. It’s called six words of wisdom. The rules are simple: you ask a group of people to give you the best life advice they can in six words – no more, no less. It tells you a lot about the group and about the individuals who...

The appeal of pen spinning – Part two with Nachoaddict

After hearing Shoeman6’s thoughts on the charm of pen spinning, we now pitch the same question to UPSB researcher and moderator Nachoaddict. Nachoaddict is currently studying electrical engineering and computer science at University of California, Berkeley. He...
The appeal of pen spinning – Part one with Shoeman6

The appeal of pen spinning – Part one with Shoeman6

Why bother spinning a pen around your fingers? Pen spinning is generally not a skill you would include on a job application and it’s probably not going to challenge Xbox One or 20th Century Fox in the world of entertainment. But, for a form of entertainment that has...

Welcome to my blog – make yourselves comfortable

  Hello and welcome to Matt Phil Carver’s blog. That’s me. If you’ve read my about me page, then you’ll already know what I plan to use this blog for. I’ve decided that my first series of features will focus on two communities that,...